"Go Sayang Go!" or "Be Strong" This 2 phrases always used by him to more than enough show how he support me in everything i do. Not to deny, I declare him as "my BEST friend" and "my other half". We know each other since 16 [form 4 at SMS Pasir Panjang]. Cinta Monyet la nie ;p
After SPM, we declare our relationship as 'kekasih'...hehee ;) After receive SPM result with flying colours, adela sket dugaan. I got offer to further study at KMM (Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka), but he got KMP (Kolej Matrikulasi Perak). Actually, kami mintak matrik same2, 1st choice: KMM, 2nd: UM and 3rd: KMP. Ntah, cemane, maybe bukan rezeki kami nak further study same2. For this, he decided not to go. Just few weeks later, he got offer from UTP. Congrates dear ;p Kami mintak UTP pon same2. Maybe im suxx in Physic ;p that is why, I tak dapat masuk UTP. haha... Everything dah ditetapkan Allah.
Bile berjauhan, ade jela, issue2 berbangkit. Issue which we unable to solve only via phone conversation. Langit xselalunya cerah, haha. On 9 July 2003, we decide to break off. Sad but TRUE ;p Susahkan bila jauh. For me, long distance relationship took me at RISK !
Move on, "life must go on"... Alhamdulillah, I can further my study to UNIMAS. Then, all stories begin from beautiful, colourful to bad, worst...
Even we are not having any special relationship, we are still "friend". He met me at KLIA, before my departure to Sarawak. Nothing change between us. Only STATUS.
Not to highlight so many bad things, but within 6 years, we have our own life, new partner as well. But i admire him, even within these 6 years. I have my own journal within these period these period of time too=) Will share later...
1 June 2009, we met again. As adult ;p wink! Only via ym, we deal to meet. I was a busy lady with my career, he was busy stabilize his career. OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE, PJ. First venue to meet after 6 years. What a miracle. To be honest, he totally change! Me too. Banyak btol topic yang dibualkan. Finish our first "chit chat" at almost 11pm dat day. (both of us "single" at that time ~inilah jodoh namanya~). What if u had a SECOND chance to find TRUE LOVE? I'm grateful ! Destiny want us to meet again.
Hmm, starting from dat day, he call me often, SMS also. hehe. Then my LOVE STORY begin...
Putrajaya [7 June 2009].
Then, for the first time ever, he PROPOSE me AGAIN with "I LOVE U". I still remember the way he told me and mimic muka. Happy =)
Then, bermulalah CERITA CINTA YG BERBUNGA2. heee...
Spend time together:
[My Adorable Guy's Bufday -9 July 2009 ~Shah Alam]
First time ever, celebrate bufday together-gether. We love karaoke, addicted.
[Man United Vs Malaysia -18 July 2009]

Hmm, xtau knape, i like this WIG

MU fans ;p