Ever since Sofea came into the picture, my blog has been all about that cute little. Well, let's just divert the attention back to me, shall we? :D
Valentine's Special!
Valentine's Special!
OK, I just started to update on my current skin status. Do my skin look healthy this way?
Instead of only taking my manjakani juice (wait for my next post on end-to-end step of preparing this), I have started another supplement for skin.
Have you ever heard about Ag-Factor?
YES, I'm proud to say, I'm falling in love with this product. Effectively, improved my skin tone and look so flawless!
I take 2 capsules before bedtime and my skin improved tremendously! Even more fairer and I can feel young at my late 20's :P
I wish I had a before picture of my look but I didn't have any! Just because I didn't knew the importance of before pictures to show you how this product helps me!
Alhamdulillah :)
More info, please visit their Ag-Factor Website.
Be Beautiful & Stay Young Peeps!

it works? :D
ReplyDeleteDefinitely! To my surprise, few friends notice my skin tone improvement and keep asking me on the product I've taken. Everyone shud try :)
ReplyDeletesalam. bole tau dh berape bulan seila mkn ag factor ni? mmg cantek sgt kulit, gebu & sekata..thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteWslm, skg dah masuk 3 bulan guna product ni :)
ReplyDeleteada gambar sebelum dan selepas tak?
ReplyDeleteHi Reader :) Thanks for ur interest.
DeleteI hope that I can search for before picture, but I don't have. It just because I dun expect this product will leave me this much of joy.
sy ambik agfactor baru sebulan, tk nampak sgt perubahan.. ada la sikit kot.. norseila ambik berapa lama br ada kesan?
ReplyDeleteHi Reader :) Thanks for ur interest.
DeleteI took this almost 4 months by now, by the 2nd month, I start to see my skin improvement already.
asslm.. ag factor tuk whitening or collagen? seila beli kat mna?
ReplyDeleteHi Readers :) Thanks for ur interest.
DeleteSo far, as what I experience, Ag-Factor give me both whiten & firm. No other collagen needed. I bought online from Ag-Factor. U may refer to my link in the post itself.
Tengs 4 sharing sis....
Deletehow long does it take to be fairer? im so interested in this product.. thanks :)
ReplyDeleteHi Reader :) Thanks for ur interest.
DeleteAfter 2nd month, I can notice my skin fairer & definitely, I will suggest this to u to give a try.
is der any side effects wen taking d capsules? is it available in all store nation wide? im interested.
ReplyDeleteHi Reader :) Thanks for ur interest.
DeleteNo side effects, coz its just like normal supplement for body. U may refer to Ag-Factor website to get this product. Worth buying!
dear pm me dealer prices 0125499088 ella
ReplyDeleteDoes it give a rosy white glow and skin, or a ghostly white and paler skin? I hope not. From which country did it came from? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi dear, just want to share my experience pasal Ag factor ni.. currently it's been 3 months i ambil pil ni plus dgn preventac skali.. but i x nampak any perubahan pun.. i x tau la knapa.. kdg rasa mcm upset je bcoz masa tu dkt 1K habis duit.. Tgk ur skin mmg nmpk cantik.. before i x tau la kan.. n lepas habis last bottle ni i'm not sure nk continue or not.. apa pendapat u??
ReplyDeleteDepending on your body hormones. I had good result, believe me, after 2 1/2 mth taking Ag-Factor, rcvd such good responses from my friends. Skin fairer, did gained weight lil bit for first mth (crawings), u can see my post at Ag-Factor.com.
DeleteSemua dengan kuasa Allah s.w.t, kalau Allah izinkan, adalah perubahan, if there is no Kunfaya Kun, takder la...kena redha if that is written for us in Lauh Mahfuz, rite?
Some will take longer time and some will have immediate reaction. Mine is immediate after 3 days, skin is baby soft, amazing. All the best to you.
saya naka tanya. sekarang saya ambil pil perancang. so blh ke makan collagen ni dan mkn pil perancang??
ReplyDeleteDid ag factor pay you to do advertisment here? how come no have previous photo? i dun believe!
ReplyDeleteDon’t worry, this is not a sponsored post nor do I have any shares with the company. It’s just a pure honest opinion from me. As I mentioned, I dun have previous photo coz I didn't aspect this product works for me. If U dun believe, I'm okay with that, coz I dun't asked people to trust me if u're not :)
DeleteI just bought this product and plan to taking start by today, my whole body was full of fleckers and my face was uneven tone complexion, hope this product can giving some result after 3 months, i have been did laser on my skin b4, and taken many pills or collagen, it doesn't help at all, Norseila, hope that my skin will get improve and have some result like u :D
Hi Could you please give some reviews or comments on this products since it's already 5 months from where you started.
DeleteIMHO Ag-Factor works for me. I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror, dark pigmentation & tried many products but the result was not satisfying. My face was dull,dark,saggy & it looked horrible until one day i came across Ag-factor. Ordered it but was afraid what the outcome would be. Its a miracle, I just loved it & my face looks so much fairer,smoother,has a glow too. It really worked & solved my probelm, now I dont trust any other product only Ag-factor this is my 2nd botle. Just Love it!
ReplyDeletehi just wondering if any of you consume AG factor and still lactating? does AG factor affect milk production? i just gave birth about a month ago and very tempted to try this product but scared. pls help clariify. thanks
ReplyDeletehi u still consume ke ag factor?? please update
ReplyDeleteI totally love this product! It not only kept my skin looked supple but brighter as well. I have added Cera-5 into my daily supplement regime which kept my skin moisturized from within. This helps alot as i tend to be 24 hours a day under air conditioned room (half day in office the rest at home) When i forget to apply lotion for few days it's still okay. It's been a year since i consumed this. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a natural ingredient product.
ReplyDeleteI've been taking tis product ag factor too n its oledi 3 rd mths now...i c difference in 3rd mths...firmer n more whiter ..i juz ordered my 4th bottle now...give at least 3 months to c diff..for who not blieving then its ok๐๐๐
ReplyDeleteI've been taking tis product ag factor too n its oledi 3 rd mths now...i c difference in 3rd mths...firmer n more whiter ..i juz ordered my 4th bottle now...give at least 3 months to c diff..for who not blieving then its ok๐๐๐
ReplyDeleteI agree! This product is awesome! I have consumed for 1 and half month and started to see result. I notice that my freckles problem getting lighten and never come back even Im every exposing to sun light. Highly recommend this product!!! <3
ReplyDeleteAg-Factor is really awesome product!!!
DeleteThis product works incredibly good in terms of making my skin fairer and brighter just after 3 months!! I could already notice some difference during the second month. I use to have very dull skin and uneven skintone. I've tried a lot of whitening skincare products but didn't work. I have no regrets investing my money on AG factor, it's worth it!! Definitely will continue consuming AG Factor to maintain my skin complexion. :))
ReplyDeleteI am a kindergarten teacher. I need to be always look younger and energetic in front of my students :) I had tried many kinds of skincare before and they truly worked but not in a long term period. One day I saw Ag Factor advertisement in my FB wall and really wanted to try. After I consumed 3 bottles package, I found that my skin become fairer and smoother than before. I am really happy and it has made me look younger than my age. Besides it is easier now for me to use any type of makeup and Ag-factor really improve my sleep quality; no more insomnia at night. I will definitely continue in consuming the Ag Factor which has taken care of my appearance. Really recommended :)
ReplyDeleteI think this page was created by ag-factor company.. Fake comments..
ReplyDeleteAG Factor in Pakistan
ReplyDeleteYes. Fake comments. You will see genieng commenting in multiple blogpost that rave about ag factor or cera 5. I am also looking to try buy surveying around then found these fake comments…