Memang sangat2 nak balik untuk hadir wedding kawan2.
Since ada 3 jemputan, so dah rancang siap2 masa, 2 jemputan on 27 Nov and 1 jemputan on 28 Nov
1) Nuri Norzuriani (turqoise wedding theme)
2) Yunie Yusnaini (my BEST friend-wedding ni kat Kuala Terengganu)
3) Mey Cuena (pengantin yang sangat relax and gorgeous)-there's story behind those name given, hehe ;)
"Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we married"
More pics than words this time. Let those pics tells the story yea.
-Sgt lambat tiba di rumah Nuri (I call her Noor), sebab saya bangun lambat (penat sebab sampai umah dah kol 2.30am), rushing carik present tuk both Nuri and Yuni lagi, so sgtla lambat, terlepas majlis sanding ;( Sorry Noor, mmg hajat nak lepak lama sket kat umah Noor tp sebab dah sangat lambat, just wish Congrats to Noor and hubby, terus drive to KT plak.

Next, rumah Yuni at padang machang, Kuala Terengganu. I reached there almost 4pm, it was raining. Tak sempat jumpa ngan husband Yuni. hehe. But sempat jumpe ngan kawan2 lama mase kat SMSPP, AC, cik Ira (both dah married), Didiey (Hmm, da ade baby pon). I'm so excited and happy that i can make it to attend my special friend's wedding. Congrats to both of you!

28 Nov 2010
Cuena's wedding, ni pengantin gorgeous, seksi sgt2 sbb bajunye putih and boleh scan anak2 kecik kat dalam. Hehe. Congrats Cuena. I am waiting for u to upload our photo taken. Tak sempat nak tengok Cuena sanding, sebab kami datang terlalu awal, kol 11am, hehe. Sanding kol 3pm. Reunion old friends too, sempat jumpe Yatil, Eiza and Wani =)

Congrats to all ;p
Cuena's wedding, ni pengantin gorgeous, seksi sgt2 sbb bajunye putih and boleh scan anak2 kecik kat dalam. Hehe. Congrats Cuena. I am waiting for u to upload our photo taken. Tak sempat nak tengok Cuena sanding, sebab kami datang terlalu awal, kol 11am, hehe. Sanding kol 3pm. Reunion old friends too, sempat jumpe Yatil, Eiza and Wani =)

Congrats to all ;p
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