Thanks to Syed Muzzamir, he is my neighbour, dari kecik main same2 sampai dah besar2 ni, semua pon dah belajar jauh2. Jumpe pon dah jarang2, papepon, nice reading your blog =)
And ini, wifey my Mr Photographer yang BEST! I called her Miss Beauty. Dear, door gift tuk u i still simpan ;) Thanks for sharing those photos, I sangat happy tengok and sangat berpuas hati ngan hasil kerja ur hubby, mane2 terkurang layanan masa ur hubby kat sane, ampun2 ye...
My Official Photographer : Fizzy Ilham
Assistant Photographer : Na Zha, Ayum Mhd, Syuk Rei & Fariz Yout
Ni antara gambar2 terawal yang saya terima, thanks all ;p

like photo no 7
ReplyDeleteCongrats 4 ur marriage kak .. Really happy for you .. Wish u happy together till end of ur life .. k.. xoxo //
ReplyDeleteshould be no prob dear... =)
ReplyDeleteanyway fizzy majuk awak xde leave comment on hes fb... dier tu suka org komen dari like2 nih... ekekeke... ngengade je dier kan...;-)
Beauty: Aiyak! seriously, i tade niat tanak komen and all, tp FB notifications itu sgt byk! Seyesly, i xprefer nak bukak. I dah sent 1 personal message kat ur hubby, diam xbererti xsuke! i sgt suke!!! kalo x, i xkan pilih dia tuk jadik photographer i. i prefer blogging dari FB for now, sbb FB tu makin berserabut. My hubby and I ade duk discuss gak pasal all photos, my hubby terpaksa online FB, save all photos yang di "tag" kat satu folder and kitorang komen same2. Keje Fizzy terbaek, kami suke! Kem salam kat ur hubby ek, sori i xsempat komen pape lg dear, hehe =)
ReplyDeleteTp i nak dia tau, i dah jadi promoter tuk dia now, fully recommended tuk jadik photog kawan2 i yg still single mingle itu.