But government is always act their style, the doc took 1 hour and half, just asking a bunch of question, while patient was sitting in front of her in the ward. Hey doc! if you're so intelligent to become a doctor, why don't you let the patient lying on the bed first, then only you can ask your stupid question. So pissed off last night!
Since I am preggy mummy, I was so dizzy when I saw blood etc in the hospital! Hmmm... Ya Allah, please give me some strength.
P/S: Kak La, get well so soon. Be strong okay! We all love u :)
memang musim denggi agaknye dear... May Allah bless your sista... Suruh dia minum 100 plus & u buatkan dia sup ketam... last time i kena makan sup ketam kejap je platlet naik...
ReplyDeletewaaahhh! berwajah baru.
ReplyDeleteBeauty: Btol2, i rase memang aedes tgh menyerang skg ni, ramai je yang admit kat ward sebab denggi. Adik i ni xleh makan sup ketam plak, semalam makan, gatal2 plak. hehe.