Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tsunami Hit Eastern Japan

I am very concern towards this issue, I cried when I first watched this video.

With 8.9-magnitude earthquake on Friday, followed by Tsunami and thousand people swept away in few minutes!

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake shook eastern Japan on Tuesday, one of the most powerful aftershocks to hit the country since Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami which killed at least 10,000 people.
The quake could be felt in Tokyo where buildings swayed.

GOD give us the disaster to remind us. Subhanallah!

The quake shifted the earth's axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds.

10 Tanda-Tanda Besar Kiamat
# Asap
# Dajjal
# Binatang
# Terbit matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya
# Turunnya Isa alaihissalam
# Yakjuj dan Makjuj
# 3 kali Gempa Bumi, Timur,
# Sekali di Barat dan
# Ketiga di Semenanjung Arab 
# Api yang keluar dari arah negeri Yaman yang akan menghalau manusia kepada Padang Mahsyar mereka


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