Friday, February 10, 2012

Show and Tell Friday-DIY Crib Bedsheet

SEWING for baby's stuff is one of the easiest things.It took me a while to realize, you don’t have to settle for what you see in the store. You can make almost anything. Plus, the choice of colors make me really eager to make my own.

I admit that it's the first project involving sewing that I've done completely by myself :D Sofea likes it, I guess :)

To make this, actually I just cut up an old quilt cover which I bought from IKEA (love the fabric which is so comfortable) and went from there.
::Take note, I prefer to have the mattress fully covered by the sheet, so I didn't prepare fitted sheet::

Here are the details:

1) Cut out the fabric into 2 rectangles: Sofea’s Crib-120cmx60cm.

2) With the fabric cut, let’s start sewing.

Take the two sides of one corner and bring right sides together. Pin them and sew down the side. Don't forget to have a margin for each side.

Mine, I only sew down for 3 sides as I want to use the original button provided from the old quilt cover.

3) Serge the seams, I did some zigzag on it.

4) Then, I sew the edge of the casing with 1 straight line to become like this.

5) And I’m done!
With this quilt cover, I can make 2 crib bedsheets plus 2 pillow case and 2 bolster for Sofea!
But at the end, still got some fabric less for my next DIY, hihihi.

Let's SHARE yours here!