Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pregnancy Journey So Far...

It's overwhelming to see my baby is growing so well with 2.2kg approx! Mainly because of my Solah determination and willpower to keep motivating me during the hard/tough time.

If I recall correctly, I admitted to hospital twice, had serious diarrhea several times and took many many MCs! Solah was the one who always be with me since both of our parents are not a few feet away to come and visit us :(

But to see such a wonderful development of my baby, I can put all the challenges aside.

I'm proud to say I have a very cool husband! He never fails to make me laugh. When Solah starts to talk with our baby, his favourite word right now is 'HELLO'. Hehe. I always ask him whether he is talking over the phone with our baby, then both of us will laugh :P

LATELY (on my 33 weeks ++ of pregnancy with current weight-56.5kg)...

I've been a bit off for the past few days, like my mind was playing tricks on me. I didn't have the appetite to eat nor to get a good night's sleep. To make matters worse, my hormones came crashing big time. I broke down and cried like a mad lady...which also contribute to my exhaustion. Huh!

Instantly, Solah will be there and came to the rescue. I noticed he will a bit relieve once I put on smile.

Surprisingly since yesterday,  I feel a lot better after my so-called "DIY" therapy. I googled about confinement, breastfeeding and formula feed a lot. I found out this topic interesting-as a new mother-to-be.

OK that helped. A sign of growth ;)

Can't wait to have a good break this weekend!

Note: I'm making frequent bathroom trips a necessity-it sorta sucks getting up to pee every 10 minutes! Haha!

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