Upah jahit baju tu pon sangatla murah if nak compare ngan kat KL ni, sampai RM400-RM450. Padahal end product same je, yang penting ada skill menjahit and passion.
I admire 1 design dari "Vistana Impian Busana Pengantin".

I dah inform awal2 kat tailor (siap bawak gambar) plus sikit design suggested by 1 of my clsoe friend, combine, so dapatlah satu baju yang harap2 suit with me. So now, hunting for beading.
Kain beli dari Jakel, satin and organza black. Tuk border, i beli french lace merah yang 1 meter harganya RM660. Mahal teramat! Sangatla kecik benda alah tu. Lebarnya cume approx: 20cm.
Tunggu hari bahagia saya tuk tengok end product baju tu and leave your comments.
hye seila,
ReplyDeleteselama ni i jadi silent reader je, hari ni rasa teruja nak komen. best sangat theme yang u pilih. well at least lain dari yang lain & unique ;)
hope everything will go well and smooth-sailing ya..
--i'm not sure whether u know me, but i know u..slalu escalate kes kat u..hehe..anyway, nice reading ur blog ;)--
hye shikin, ofkos i know u!
ReplyDeleteVia emails and cases ;p we are working together ;)
thanks for ur wishes, perhaps i can have even not perfect but memorable wedding.
2010 almost reach the end. I have more info to share in 2011. Enjoy reading!